Monday, 29 November 2021

Response to text : Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.

1. What type of artwork was Leonardo Da Vinci popular for?

a) Sculptor                                         b) photographer

c) Painter                         d) Mathematician

2. What city was Leonardo Da Vinci born in? 

a) Florence                       b) Milan

c) Italy                                      d) Vinci


3. What was Leonardo Da Vinci’s mother’s occupation?

a) model of Mona Lisa b) painter

c) servant             d) Influencer

4. List some of the characters that Leonardo Da Vinci was renowned for?

→Mona Lisa, Salvator Mundi and Saint John the baptist 

5. True or False: The ‘Mona Lisa’ was a mysterious woman with an uncanny expression?

a) True b) False

6. What did “The Last Supper” portrait painted by Leonardo Da Vinci fade?

a) due to the light                        b) due to using a different type of paint

c) someone tried to paint over it             d) It was painted on glass



  1. Hi Cing Cing,
    It was so nice to see you yesterday I do hope that you are enjoying a few weeks back at school before year 6!
    Are you learning about artists this week?
    I have seen the Mona Lisa in real life - but the painting is so small and the room was so full of people that I was a long way away from it. He was a very talented scientist and artist - also a ninja turtle I think.
    Have a great week Cing Cing.
    Miss King

    1. Thank you Ms.King and these facts are amazing. Anyways you too Ms.King


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